Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering is an open access journal, so articles are freely available to the readers.
The second issue of the journal is devoted to the theme, “Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks and Practical Applications”. In this issue we have contributed 1, the development of an on-line structural health monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks (WSN); intelligent wireless lighting control using wireless sensor and actuator networks; a WSN platform for river monitoring; classification-based event detection in ecological monitoring networks; WSNs for museums’ environmental and structural monitoring, and automatic environmental control; passive infrared sensor based intrusion detection surveillance system using wireless sensor networks; different wireless technologies for integrated e-Operations in offshore oil and gas production environments and also enhancing the resolution of wireless sensor network based subsurface plume tracking using compressed data dissemination. This issue serves as a comprehensive resource to gain more knowledge, essentially, for environmental monitoring using wireless sensor networks.
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering is an open access journal, so articles are freely available to the readers.
Acceptance Rate: 19%
Desk Reject Rate: 65%
Days to Accept : 159
Days to Reject: 48