Behavior of Ferrocement Beams Using Fiber Glass Mesh and Sea Water
Ferrocement Concrete, Green Concrete, Fiber Glass, Sea WaterAbstract
The current study aims to study the structural behavior of ferrocement beams using seawater to produce concrete beams that can be used as an alternative to conventional reinforced concrete beams. The formulated beams would have a high resistance to loads and cracking, and would be more economical and environmentally friendly than traditional concrete beams. This research also aims to conserve freshwater by using seawater as a substitute in the concrete mix and curing process. The experimental work include three groups of beams ,The water-cement ratio and seawater content were varied in the concrete mix. Six concrete specimens with dimensions of 1600 mm * 300 mm * 150 mm were cast. All specimens were reinforced with fiber glass bars and fiberglass mesh. The fresh water in concrete mixing was varied and replaced with seawater. The curing water for the beams was also replaced with seawater. The reinforcement ratios were also varied in the specimens. In the first group, a ferrocement beam was cast as a reference using potable water for casting. In the second group, three beams were cast with different seawater contents in the concrete mix. In the third group, two ferrocement beams were cast with different seawater contents in the concrete mix and curing water. The cracking load, load-deflection curves, energy absorption capacity and cracking patterns have been investigated. The results showed that increasing the seawater content increased the concrete strength by 5% to 15% and the ultimate load increased by 5% to 47%.
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