Potential of Establishing Industrial Hemp Value Chains in Northern Australia
fibre, grain, industrial hemp, Northern Australia, silage, value chainAbstract
Globally, industrial hemp offers consumers with over 25,000 value-added products that are valued at approximately US$4.2 billion of current market value and likely to surpass US$26.6 billion by 2025. In Northern Australia, the industrial hemp sector is at infancy stages of development. Given the suitability of certain Northern Australia’s geographical zones in terms of soil, water, and climate, a study was conducted to identify potential industrial hemp value chains. Probable value chains were developed by characterizing the production to market segments of the supply chains to determine the return on investment and analyzing the capacity of the stakeholders in terms of communication and relationships. Consequently, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the developed value chains were analyzed. This study collected data from three complementary sources that included review of the literature, results of variety trials evaluation conducted in Northern Australia, and survey of hemp industry stakeholders. Results suggested that Northern Australia offers conducive growing conditions for hemp that allows for the development of three value chains including seed, fiber and silage. The research recommended ongoing investment in the industry through engagement of public and private sector while focusing on further establishment of the industry.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Induni Mahisha Kumari Vijaya Kumar, Muhammad Sohail Mazhar, Shah Nawaz

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Agrifutures Australia
Grant numbers PRJ-012812