Examining ACI Development Length and Strength Provisions for RC Slabs Strengthened with NSM GFRP
Reinforced Concrete, One-Way Slabs, Near Surface Mounted, GFRP bars, Repair, Flexural StrengtheningAbstract
This study aims to investigate the strengthening effect of GFRP bars on the capacity of RC slabs when subject to flexure loading. The objective is to show the effect of debonding failure on the capacity of the GFRP strengthened slabs relative to the different variables used. The variables used are the different bonding lengths, diameters, and numbers of GFRP bars in strengthening RC slabs. The work presents the details of the adopted experimental investigation and the results of the flexural tests performed on twelve slabs with the different variables. These results are adopted to validate the currently available design provisions of the ACI code of practice for using NSM GFRP to strengthen RC slabs.
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