Stability Consideration in Design of Steel Structures: A Review
steel, stability, beam, frame, H-sectionAbstract
The adoption of steel in the construction industry will consistently grow due to rapid urbanisation and the demand of more structures and infrastructures. The main reasons of steel adaptation in construction industry are due to steel attributes that are flexible, sustainable, cost effective and a versatile material. The significant characteristics of steel provide the suitability for the construction of structures such as tall buildings and bridges all around the world. Along with the constant development of technology, the steel industry also aims to increase the sustainability of steel structure construction through constructing low carbon neutral and energy efficient building with steels. Moreover, steels are also considered as one of the most recycled materials in the world which allows the enhancement of the overall environmental performance of a structure’s life cycle. With the increasing utilisation of steel in the design of structures, the stability consideration of the steel structures has become the most crucial concern during the structural designing phase. Stability of structures is vital for every building as the structure instability may lead to catastrophe such as structural collapse that may threatens the safety of occupants inside the building as well as the well -being of the community around the area.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fatimah De'nan, Jia Shen Lau, Adham Mohamade Ounahe , Mohamed Inas Kamel , Nor Salwani Hashim
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